FRISS is 100% focused on automated fraud and risk detection for P&C insurance companies worldwide. Their AI-powered detection solutions for underwriting, claims and SIU help 175+ insurers grow their business. FRISS detects fraud, mitigates risks and supports digital transformation. Insurers go live within 4 months, realize up to 10 times ROI and 80% increase in straight through processing of policy application and claims. FRISS solutions help lower loss ratios, enable profitable portfolio growth, and improve the customer experience. For more information, please visit www.friss.com
All content by FRISS
Insurance fraud report 2020
This 2020 Insurance fraud report focuses on how Covid-19 has impacted the fraud landscape and long-term industry trends. Topics covered include: fraud detection during a pandemic; data challenges; setting a fraud-fighting culture; using social media to combat fraud; driving digital change safely.
Video: The latest trends in artificial intelligence for insurance
In this video, AI Media Group CEO and co-founder Dr Nick Bradshaw talks to Christian van Leeuwen, CTO at FRISS about the latest trends in artificial intelligence for insurance.
Blog: Coronavirus, where are we now?
In this blog, Martino Scheepens, Customer Success Manager at FRISS, sheds light on monthly claims trends since March and why fraud will be increasingly seen as a way out for desperate people and businesses as a result of the pandemic.
Podcast: How to generate bottom line savings with insurance fraud detection
One of the most effective uses of data and analytics in insurance is to prevent fraud both at the point of underwriting and from claims. In this podcast, Jeroen Morrenhof, CEO and co-founder of FRISS discusses how identifying potential fraud creates savings direct to the bottom line for insurers.
Podcast: Is it possible to make insurance more honest?
In this podcast, Dan Gumpright, VP of Products at FRISS, talks with Max Bazerman, a business psychology specialist at Harvard Business School about honesty in insurance. Bazerman explains how honest insurance is only achievable when there is full transparency between insurers and their customers.
Insurance fraud detection: The build versus buy dilemma
Many insurers think about the same challenge when they want to automate their fraud analytics process: should we build it in-house or go for a cooperation with an external party? Watch this video to find out more about the key elements required to make a well-informed decision.
Vlog: Three things insurers can learn from Amazon Go’s touchless customer experience
Automated risk assessment is vital for a touchless claims process to deliver a seamless customer experience. In this vlog, Dan Gumpright, FRISS Global VP of Products, explains the concept of touchless trust, and how good customers get treated seamless and fast, but the fraudsters are stopped.
Video: Insurance is a beautiful thing
Insurance is boring, ‘they’ say. We politely disagree. Produced by FRISS, this video highlights how important our industry really is, why most incredible things in life can only be enabled thanks to insurance and why insurance really is a beautiful thing.
Underwriting risk: Information is power
Underwriters often shake their heads at the almost insurmountable challenge of structuring risk selection and fraud detection, but what sounds like an unsolvable problem, isn’t. This content highlights the tools available to help underwriters make informed decisions based on real-time insights.
Thwarting Covid-19 claims fraud
History has proven that times of economic crisis see a huge increase in insurance fraud across most lines of business. This content provides some specific examples of insurance fraud which are on the rise and how insurers can make use of advanced analytics to stay one step ahead of fraudsters.