Verisk Analytics
Verisk Analytics (Nasdaq:VRSK) is a leading source of information about property/casualty insurance risk. Drawing upon unique data assets and deep domain expertise to provide innovative solutions that are integrated into customer workflows. We help our customers serve their customers better by helping them improve their own quality, productivity and timeliness across their functions such as: product development, compliance, rating, marketing, underwriting, claims, fraud, loss control, portfolio balancing, risk transfer, analytics, economic forecasting, weather, CAT modeling and more. https://www.verisk.com/insurance/
All content by Verisk Analytics
Verisk London 2024: Evolving fraud trends
In the third in a series of videos recorded at the Verisk Insurance Conference in London, Insurance Post editor Emma Ann Hughes met with industry experts to discuss fraud trends. This video highlights how AI is disrupting the claims lifecycle and how technology can be used to weed out fraudsters.
Verisk London 2024: Key takeaways
In the fourth and final video recorded at the Verisk Insurance Conference in London, Insurance Post content director Jonathan Swift spoke to delegates and speakers about the lessons they learned at this year’s event.
Verisk London 2024: Experience the possible
In the first in a series of videos recorded at the Verisk Insurance Conference in London, Insurance Post editor Emma Ann Hughes interviewed speakers and delegates about the transformative power of data, analytics, and artificial intelligence.
Verisk London 2024: Catastrophe modelling
In the second in a series of videos recorded at the Verisk Insurance Conference in London, Insurance Post content director Jonathan Swift met with industry experts to examine how the sector can get a better view of catastrophe risk.
Insurance Taskmaster: Winner revealed
Having travelled from 1912 to 2042 insuring everything from the Titanic to driverless flying taxis, the Insurance Taskmaster holds court with his colleagues at Verisk as it is time to announce a winner. In this season finale the winner of Insurance Taskmaster is revealed.
Insurance Taskmaster: Insuring driverless flying taxis in Milton Keynes (2042)
The contestants are thrown forward to 2042, where a driverless flying taxi pilot is about to start in Milton Keynes. Watch this episode to find out how the teams fare as they bid to win the insurance and risk management contract for the pilot.
Insurance Taskmaster: Detecting motor fraud in and around Euro 96 (1996)
In this episode, the contestants wake up and it is the summer of 1996. They are on the front line, combatting the burgeoning issue of insurance fraud. The contestants face a race against time to investigate whether a motor claimant is just plain unlucky or involved in something more sinister.
Insurance Taskmaster: Dealing with the aftermath of The Great Storm (1987)
In this episode, the contestants are caught up in a storm, more accurately the Great Storm of October 1987. As the storm’s trail of destruction becomes apparent, the teams battle to appease their grizzled claims boss by devising a surge plan for the unprecedented volume of claims heading their way.
Insurance Taskmaster: Facing up to the collapse of Vehicle and General (1971)
It’s 1971 and Vehicle and General has just been forcibly wound-up by the government, leaving almost one million motorists without cover. Watch this episode to find out how the contestants fare as they attempt to reassure disgruntled customers and come up with a business continuity plan.
Insurance Taskmaster: Insuring the Titanic (1912)
Can six industry rising stars solve some of the biggest historic challenges faced by the market? In this episode, contestants are catapulted back to January 1912 as they seek to help Willis Faber & Co’s Wilfred Green find comprehensive cover for a new ‘unsinkable’ liner called the Titanic.