34 whitepapers and resources
Technology is making waves in the marine insurance market
MarineTech is here to stay and evolve, but how do industry players do the same? In this article, AXA XL’s Anne Marie Elder looks at how new technologies are changing the marine risks that her team insure and changing the way they underwrite risk.
New IMO regulation calls for a sharp reduction in ships' sulphur emissions
Beginning on 1st January 2020, a new regulation approved by the International Maritime Organization requires that virtually all ships limit their sulphur emissions to less than 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). This article looks at the implications for ship owners and how they can achieve compliance.
Global claims review: The top causes of corporate insurance losses
This report examines global developments in corporate insurance claims, highlighting the top causes of loss, and other trends. It also examines a number of industry-specific trends that will impact the claims landscape in future.
Sea-change: How technology is changing the transportation of goods
The insurance market is continually exploring ways to help make the management and transfer of risks associated with transporting cargo more efficient. This article highlights how technological developments are transforming the way marine cargo risks are assessed, managed, priced and transferred.
Set fair for the next phase of risk management: Marine blockchain platform goes live
The practical implications, and benefits, of blockchain for the risk and insurance business are only just beginning to be realised. This article sheds light on the latest developments surrounding XL Catlin’s blockchain platform designed specifically for marine risks.
Damaged goods - How brokers can help clients to mitigate any impact on their business
Damaged goods happen: goods stored in a warehouse get wet; designer clothing packed in a cargo container that’s damaged in transit are determined to be damaged at delivery; and so on. This article highlights the value of contingency planning and how companies can mitigate any impact.
Safety and shipping review 2018
This report converts analysis of shipping losses throughout 2017 into insights to help the industry manage the risks and challenges it faces, including the 'new Bermuda Triangle', cyber threats, fire risk management and emerging route risks brought about by climate change.
The threats and opportunities of autonomous ships
As autonomous cars feature increasingly in the headlines, it seems the world of shipping is not far behind, with various manufacturers and stakeholders turning their attention to the development of self-navigating cargo ships. This article focuses on the threats and opportunities presented.
What's in store for the shipping industry? A marine risk engineer's perspective
As seafaring experience becomes less relevant, marine risk engineers will require expertise in a diverse range of fields like automation, cybersecurity and construction. This article focuses on the latest developments impacting the shipping industry and the implications for marine risk engineers.
Ports of Brazil: Measures that drive the sector
Brazil is among the ten largest “port economies” in the world, with around one billion tons of cargo handled in 2017. This article highlights the measures driving the sector and how insurance can contribute towards the development of Brazilian ports.