UK Politics and Government
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UK Politics and Government
No substitute for full compensation
February saw the publication of not just one, but two reports making significant proposals for the NHS. This blog sheds light on how the recommendations made could have a profound impact on the future of justice and compensation for people injured through medical treatment or care.
Opinion: How SME brokers can seize the opportunity of the regulators’ post-Brexit regime
The post-Brexit insurance regime has flushed out the unstable offshore insurers that once passported into the UK through Europe. Some of the hard-to-place risks will have less options, so brokers must now step up and show their worth. Read this article to find out more.
Embedded insurance: Blind to the risks?
The huge excitement sweeping the insurance industry about the potential of embedded insurance is easy to understand. However, in the race to embrace this opportunity, many are in danger of overlooking the risks, reputational and regulatory. Read this article to find out more.
Generative AI in insurance: From ‘wild west’, to responsible adoption
How should generative AI be understood, anticipated and managed in the insurance sector? This content sheds light on the vast potential for Gen AI in the insurance market, and how the industry can leverage the benefits within the tacit boundaries of ethics and responsibility.
Government consultation on holiday pay for part year and irregular hours workers
The UK Government has issued a consultation into the calculation of holiday entitlement for part-year and irregular hours workers. Read this short blog to find out more.
Changes to CPR 44
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee has announced that certain critical amendments to the QOCS rules come into force for all personal injury and clinical negligence claims issued from 6 April 2023. This short blog highlights the latest changes.
Good or bad? The looming regulation of broker software houses
Broker software houses likely face regulation amid a new law before parliament. The impending regulation has triggered debate over whether it will protect customers or add more cost and paperwork for brokers. Read this article to find out more.
Martyn’s Law - The Protect Duty
There have been more than a dozen serious terrorist incidents in the UK within the last six years. In 2022 the Government released details for a ‘Protect Duty’ to be introduced into law. This blog highlights how The Protect Duty will affect premises where qualifying activities take place.
Validating the ESG credentials of the insurance supply chain
Consumers, industry participants, civil society, regulators, and the media are all increasingly questioning the integrity of some of the ‘green’ claims made by companies and financial firms. This content highlights why ESG scrutiny is building, and the business risks and opportunities for insurers.
Driverless cars: How close are we?
UK roads could see self-driving vehicles rolled out by 2025 following the announcement of new government plans which will prioritise safety through new laws. This content sheds light on the latest developments and the potential implications for drivers, manufactures and motor insurers.