Digital transformation
353 whitepapers and resources
Webinar: How can insurers rise to the challenge posed by digital disruptors?
Is it too difficult to imagine a world where the policyholder is front-and-centre of everything that an insurance company does? In this webinar, an expert panel discuss how insurance companies can become truly customer centric and rise to the challenge posed by digital disruptors.
The real difference between insurtechs and traditional insurers is culture, not technology
The pandemic has highlighted the digital divide between traditional insurance companies and their more agile insurtech counterparts. This article highlights why the real difference between insurtechs and traditional insurers is often culture, rather than technology.
Beyond the use case: Best-in-class digital insurance
What does leading-class digital insurance look like today and how can insurance companies improve their digital experiences and customer engagement? This report sheds light on two models of customer-centric value and how to achieve leading class digital insurance offerings.
Beyond price walking
In the UK insurance industry, customer outcomes and pricing are under the spotlight. This eBook focuses on how insurers can prepare for the era of customer-centric insurance by addressing price walking and taking a more proactive approach to pricing to achieve a competitive edge.
Must-see insurance software solutions in 2021
Many critical functions of the insurance industry including claims, billing and underwriting have become automated and highly reliant on software solutions. To help insurers sort through the seemingly endless possibilities, this blog sheds light on the leading insurance software solutions for 2021.
Shaping a future-ready insurance industry
From risk assessment and underwriting to distribution, pricing and claims – the entire insurance industry value chain is ripe for transformation. Download this infographic to find out how three organisations are shaping the future of their businesses with intelligent automation.
Modernising insurance: How to achieve a competitive edge
In an Insurance Post webinar held on 25 May 2021, expert panellists discussed the benefits of evergreen systems. This blog highlights some of key points raised and why embracing evergreen systems is the path to reducing technical debt, improving innovation, and enhancing customer satisfaction.
How can finance leaders in insurance orchestrate a successful digital transformation journey?
One of the key questions finance leaders in insurance are grappling with is - what does digital transformation mean for finance? This content focuses on how insurers can apply digital transformation in finance, key challenges to overcome and the benefits of taking a holistic approach.
How insurer Old Mutual is moving the needle from efficiency to transformation with intelligent automation
In part two of Blue Prism’s interview with Old Mutual leaders, Tags Moodley and Kusheel Amritlall, they talk about moving through the Blue Prism waves of value towards business transformation, and their vision for the future insurance operating model.
Summary of McKinsey's Insurance technology modernisation summit - Munich Re Speciality
McKinsey recently held an invitation-only event called 'Insurance technology modernisation summit'. In this podcast, Duck Creek’s Scott Fitzgerald recounts big ideas and lessons learned from this summit, including fun facts from Munich Re Specialty Insurance.