
9 whitepapers and resources


Evolving the insurance claims supply chain

Insurers and brokers are re-evaluating their supply chain strategies in the face of ongoing resource scarcity, and outsourcing is becoming more prevalent in today’s claims management world. This article examines the rise of outsourcing in a resource-scarce world.

The complex world of scheme compliance

Schemes have the potential to be a fantastic opportunity for brokers, however this outsourced world of insurers and brokers working together has strict regulation and compliance requirements. This article focuses on how brokers and insurers can navigate the complex world of scheme compliance.

Roundtable: Running the risk

Adding risk management services to their offering could help brokers differentiate themselves from their competitors. Our expert panel discuss outsourcing, regulation and how insurers can help. Download this article for a summary of the roundtable discussion.

The claims process: Together again

Hammering down loss adjusters on fees proved a false economy for insurers as falling service standards merely wreaked more havoc on the industry’s reputation. But sense has prevailed and the two sectors are showing signs of a welcome reconciliation. Download Post's article to find out more.