360Globalnet was founded by Paul Stanley ten years ago with a mission to digitise claims handling by making use of video, configurable workflow, unstructured data, knitting-together every actor in a claim situation, all built no-code Since that time the company has invested over £30M in its own proprietary technology that allows insurers to “see every claim” either via data, imagery, video and HD live- streaming. An Insurance business is powered by data and the 360Globalnet technology aims to surface complete details of a claim in any format for better and quicker outcomes for the end customer and also to improve risk, underwriting, sales and marketing for the insurer.
The Company has expanded from its base in Surrey, UK into mainland Europe, USA and Australia. The technology has the functionality to handle any type of claim and implementations have included Auto/Motor, Commercial, Home, Pet, Travel, Warranty, Cyber and Health.
To find out more visit: https://www.360globalnet.com
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