Insurance Europe
Insurance Europe is the European insurance and reinsurance federation. Through its 34 member bodies, the national insurance associations, Insurance Europe represents all types of insurance and reinsurance undertakings, eg pan-European companies, monoliners, mutuals and SMEs.
Insurance Europe, which is based in Brussels, represents undertakings that account for around 95% of total European premium income. Insurance makes a major contribution to Europe’s economic growth and development. European insurers generate premium income of almost €1 170bn, employ over one million people and invest nearly €9 900bn in the economy.
All content by Insurance Europe
Insurers' views on the GDPR ahead of the EC's May 2020 report
This two page insight briefing examines whether the General Data Protection Regulation has delivered on its aims of enhanced protection and greater harmonisation of data protection rules. It also asks if the GDPR is compatible with insurers’ need to innovate for the benefit of consumers.
European insurance - Key facts
This is Insurance Europe's annual Key Facts publication, which includes data on the European insurance industry for 2018. Topics covered: European insurance in the world; European premiums, claims and benefits paid; insurers’ investment portfolio; companies and employees; distribution channels.
Infographic: GDPR - What are your rights as an insurance consumer?
This infographic provides an overview of insurance consumers’ main rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applied from 25 May 2018.
Position paper on liability insurance and emerging technologies
This paper responds to EU discussions relating to emerging technologies and consequential liability insurance needs.
Insight briefing: Supporting innovation in insurance in a digital age
This insight briefing focuses on the need for policymakers to support innovation in fintech and insurtech, while also guaranteeing consumers the same protection when using services offered through new technologies by new market entrants as they have with similar offerings by traditional insurers.
Financial education in a digital age: Initiatives by the European insurance industry
Insurance Europe’s latest publication showcases the broad range of initiatives that the European insurance industry is engaged in to increase people’s financial literacy and their understanding of insurance.
Insight briefing: It’s time to (re)evaluate the risks of protectionism
This insight briefing examines examples of protectionism against foreign (re)insurers, and looks at the problems that such actions can cause for the jurisdictions that enact them.
Insight briefing: Making the IPID work for consumers
Insurance Europe's insight briefing outlines several components that need to be included in the design of the insurance product information document (IPID) to ensure that it is a useful tool in helping consumers to make informed decisions when buying insurance products.
Comments on European Commission proposal for tackling hybrid mismatches with third countries
In this position paper, Insurance Europe comments on the Commission’s proposal for tackling hybrid mismatches with third countries.
Insight briefing: Better, not more, information for insurance consumers
This short insight briefing calls for EU consumer protection rules to ensure that consumers receive better, not just more, information when purchasing insurance products.