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The RAC offers complete peace of mind for all its 12.7m-plus personal and business members for all of their driving needs. We provide a differentiated range of driving and mobility-related services, principally breakdown assistance, for consumer and business customers, and retail motor and…
Nine out of every 10 buildings in the UK are insured for the wrong amount. Almost 80% are underinsured and on average are covered for just 63% of what they should be.In the event of a claim, inadequate buildings sums insured can lead to significant financial and emotional costs, as the insurance…
Red Hat
Red Hat helps insurers modernize more efficiently and effectively by using targeted migration and enhancement to solve business challenges, get more value from existing investments, and lay a foundation for digital operations. With Red Hat’s hybrid cloud solutions, insurers can adopt modern…
Reevoo is a pioneer of Ratings & Reviews services for insurance providers, and brands and retailers across all industries. We help our clients harness the Voice of the Customer to inject trust and confidence across the whole business. Reevoo's reviews are different because they are 100% validated -…
REG Technologies
REG Technologies is a London headquartered technology company, providing intelligent on demand technology, controlling the legal, regulatory and commercial risks facing regulated businesses. A pioneer in delivering RegTech solutions through software as a service platform, our aim is to enable each…
Providing the missing piece of data to optimise marketing spend and increase phone call conversion rates, ResponseTap’s products gives brands and contact centres incomparable power. Since 2008 the business has been pioneering advanced visitor-level call tracking, heralding many industry firsts,…
Risk management is important. It helps control the cost of property, liability and other claims and therefore has a crucial role to play in financial protection. However, risk management is far more than this. It is also about protecting people from harm, and their property from loss and damage. At…