Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance through intelligent software solutions.

Our comprehensive suite helps insurance carriers streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience. Duck Creek Technologies offers customizable solutions to meet our clients' unique needs, from policy administration to claims management, billing, data analytics, payments, and loss control.

With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, we deliver high-quality solutions that drive business growth and profitability.

Podcast: 2022 reflections and insurtech spotlight

In this podcast, Duck Creek’s Rob Savitsky and Zach May reflect on key insurtech themes from the past year. From digital customer service to personalised interactive videos to tools for managing and responding to CAT risk, listen in to get caught up on all things insurtech.

Infographic: UK pet insurance at a glance

The pet insurance market is a rapidly growing segment. However, the biggest challenges pet insurers face in attracting customers are rising premium costs and building trust among consumers. This infographic provides a snapshot of the UK pet insurance market and the opportunities for insurers.

How personalised interactive videos enhance customer experiences

One new tactic insurers are adopting is the development of personalised, interactive videos and deploying them across a number of use cases. This podcast discusses the evolution of video as a format and how personalised, interactive video can improve customer experience, retention and renewals.

DAP integration with modern core systems

With increasing competition in the P&C insurance market, the pressure to deliver on claims experiences that alleviate customer anxiety and speed up the claims process is high. This blog highlights how a digital adoption platform brings the benefits of personalisation to claims customers and staff.