Cyber Risk

183 whitepapers and resources

Cyber security in the time of coronavirus

Many businesses are now planning for or actively implementing a business model involving far more remote workers than they had ever anticipated. This article provides advice on good business cyber security practices and key areas to consider when planning or deploying remote working capabilities.

SMEs and cyber risk - a ticking time bomb

Based on insights from Post’s SME Insurance Risk Survey, this article sheds light on why the take-up of cyber insurance among SMEs is so low, the perils of underinsurance and the biggest concerns among SMEs that might encourage them to increase their cyber cover through brokers or insurers.

GDPR and cyber risk

Combined with the backdrop of the GDPR regulatory environment, the cyber landscape is also rapidly evolving with criminals becoming ever more sophisticated. This content looks at how SMEs can reduce the risk of a cyber-attack and shares five top tips from the National Cyber Security Centre.