182 whitepapers and resources
Video: The looming crisis - How prepared are SMEs and insurance brokers for a cyber attack?
In this video, Matt Drinkwater, cyber & financial lines underwriting manager, NMU, explores the impact on SMEs and insurance brokers who don’t buy cyber cover and why protection is a necessity for all businesses.
Blog: Taming the uncertainty of ransomware risk - Part two
Part two of a three-part blog series on ransomware risk focuses on how a risk factor-based approach can help tame the empirical uncertainty surrounding this specific cyber risk.
Blog: Taming the uncertainty of ransomware risk - Part one
Part one of a three-part blog series focuses on how a playbook approach can be used to reduce the conceptual uncertainty surrounding ransomware risk.
Taming the uncertainty of ransomware risk
It’s easy to find ourselves doing much but achieving little when it comes to cyber perils. In this white paper, Guidewire Cyence advances both a new mindset and a practical means to tame ransomware risk uncertainty with an innovative approach.
Risk convergence: How insurers can seize the initiative on privacy, cyber risk and operational resilience
The Covid-19 pandemic is reshaping the operational risk landscape and leaving insurance companies exposed to new challenges. In this webinar, an expert panel discuss how insurers can seize the initiative on privacy, cyber risk and operational resilience as an opportunity to be future-ready.
Preparing for the future requires an in-depth assessment of emerging risks
For the seventh consecutive year, AXA sought to highlight experts’ perceptions of future risks by conducting a structured survey of more than 2,700 risk experts globally. Featuring a link to the full report, this article sheds light on some of the key findings from AXA’s Future Risks Report.
Infographic: Covid-19 cyber awareness
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and economic fallout combined with a shift to remote working has created ideal conditions for cyber criminals. This infographic highlights some key areas where businesses could be exposed to a cyber attack and how cyber coverage can mitigate the risks.
Angel Risk Management adds cyber coverages to its financial lines offering in Ireland
AXA XL has extended the reach of its Angel Risk Management platform to include cyber insurance tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses in Ireland. This article focuses on how brokers can make use of the platform to deliver greater value to their SME clients in Ireland.
Pandemics & privacy: Managing cyber risks connected to Covid-19
As businesses reopen or consider reopening, any procedure that falls outside of standard operations could be placing companies at increased risk of privacy issues, not to mention cyber risks. Produced by AXA XL, this article focuses on how organisations can manage cyber risks connected to Covid-19.
In-depth - cyber: Are brokers protecting themselves against cyber risks?
To be successful advocates of cyber insurance products, it’s important that brokers take their own cyber risk seriously. This article focuses on how brokers can lead by example by ensuring they have the right technology and culture in place to mitigate cyber risks to their own businesses.