As the premier professional body for the global financial services profession, the Chartered Insurance Institute (the CII) promotes higher standards of integrity, technical competence and business capability. With over 95,000 members in more than 150 countries, the CII is the world’s largest professional body dedicated to insurance and financial services. Our membership covers all disciplines within the insurance industry (claims, broking, underwriting and sales), those working in the life and pensions sector and the mortgage advice market as well as independent financial advisers (under our sub-brand the Personal Finance Society). As one of the largest examination awarding bodies in the UK, we have delivered education to over one million students in 150 countries over the last ten years. The CII is accredited by UK examinations regulator, Ofqual, and our qualifications are also recognised within the English national qualification frameworks. Success in CII qualifications is universally recognised as evidence of knowledge and understanding. Membership of the CII signals a desire to develop broad professional capability and to subscribe to the standards associated with professional status. Our Royal Charter remit is “to secure and justify the confidence of the public” in our members and in the insurance and financial services sector. Never has this been more necessary. The CII is working hard to restore public confidence and trust in the financial services market. We believe this will be achieved by creating a genuine global profession where the best interests of the consumer are to the fore, where ongoing learning and expertise are cherished, and where the highest standards of ethical behaviour are pursued. The CII works with businesses to develop bespoke, company-wide solutions that ensure competitive advantage by enhancing employees’ technical and professional competence. Individually, our members are able to drive their personal development and maintain their professional standing through an unrivalled range of learning services and by adhering to the CII’s Code of Ethics.
All content by CII
Webinar: Diversity and inclusion within insurance - why it matters and how it can improve your business
Produced by the CII and Insurance Post, this webinar promotes diversity and inclusion across the insurance industry from brokers through to services providers. The panelists look at what can be done to break down barriers to make the sector more inclusive.
CII policy briefing: UK general election aftermath
This short paper outlines how the outcome of the General Election is likely to impact on the Government's forthcoming legislative programme. Areas covered: Brexit; discount rate reform; whiplash injury reform; Vehicle Technology and Aviation Bill – autonomous vehicles.
CII policy briefing: Insurance Distribution Directive
Coming into force in January 2018, the Insurance Distribution Directive introduces a new requirement for those staff that sell, advise on and transact insurance contracts for all types of insurance customers. This policy briefing provides a summary of the FCA implementation of the IDD.
The future of commercial insurance broking
This report analyses the present state of the UK's SME commercial insurance broking market and looks forward ten years to how the market, and those working within it, will need to adapt and change to be both relevant and successful in 2027.
CII consultation response: Reviewing the funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
In this consultation response, the CII provides feedback on the FCA’s review into funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Insurance implications of fracking
This report reviews the current insurance landscape in the event that large-scale hydraulic fracturing is rolled out across the UK. The report reviews the potential risks and associated perils which may arise from fracking activities and provides recommendations for the insurance industry.
Consumer vulnerability - How well is insurance responding?
This report represents the thoughts and ideas of the members of the CII’s Underwriting Faculty New Generation Group who were challenged to identify a project of their own choosing that they felt could help drive change in the insurance profession for the ultimate good of customers.
CII member economic outlook and Brexit survey: Economic, business and employment prospects for 2017
Confidence in the UK economy in 2017 has dropped to the lowest levels since 2011: the greatest one-year fall for each index since records began. Download this edition of the CII Member Survey for more information on attitudes towards future economic prospects and the impact of Brexit.
The pricing process: Basic concepts and techniques
This fact file covers the basic concepts and techniques of the pricing process in general insurance. Topics covered: the pricing cycle; the traditional approach to pricing; uncertainties around costing; modern approaches to pricing for commercial lines, personal lines and reinsurance risks.
CII Thinkpiece: Claims - the dawning of a new era?
Insurers and claims management companies will soon be regulated on equal conduct terms by the FCA. This CII Thinkpiece examines what the changes mean for CMCs, insurers’ claims management practices and customer outcomes.