80 whitepapers and resources
FOIL Update - Brexit: The issues for insurers and their lawyers
Reading the press at the moment you’ll see that the outcome of the Brexit vote is predicted to affect everything from premiership football teams to the safety of pharmaceuticals. This article looks at the key issues from an insurance industry perspective.
The benefits of open reinsurance markets
Produced by Insurance Europe's Reinsurance Advisory Board, this paper focuses on the benefits of open reinsurance markets.
Internal models: A reinsurance perspective
Published by Insurance Europe's Reinsurance Advisory Board, this report focuses on the use of internal models by reinsurers. Topics covered: history and experience of internal model use by reinsurers; benefits of using internal models for prudential purposes; the future for internal model use.
Summary of market access issues for European insurers and reinsurers
This paper highlights the key regulatory and market access issues that EU (re)insurance companies encounter in the United States, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, China, Argentina and Russia. The paper highlights how existing trading relationships could be enhanced by the removal of barriers.
Global catastrophe recap: March 2016
Aon's latest catastrophe report studies the economic impact of hurricane-force winds and flooding in northern Europe, thunderstorms and heavy rain in China, plus severe weather in the United States where insured losses totalled USD2.0 billion.
Brexit – Considerations for insurance and reinsurance companies
This information sheet highlights considerations for insurers and reinsurers in the event of Brexit - Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), the occurrence of which is subject to a referendum in June 2016.
International Solvency II: Bring on Bermuda
Bermuda is poised to receive European Parliament approval for Solvency II equivalence, will this boost the market’s potential on a global scale?
International: March of the European giants
European insurers have huge influence in the UK, so how are their strategies set to unfold? This article looks at the opportunities available to European insurers looking to achieve growth in the UK.
EU update: Insurance Distribution Directive passed and MiFID-2 implementation
The Insurance Distribution Directive (formerly known as the re-cast Insurance Mediation Directive or IMD-2) has been passed with significant increases in consumer protection including scope and professional standards. This briefing sheds light on the latest regulatory developments.
European wine market: Putting a cork in risk
The European wine market is growing, but with so many risks affecting production, how can wine makers make sure their vineyards are covered in any eventuality? Download Post's article to find out more.