Business Management
2151 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Stay evergreen: Opportunities to respond to consumer preferences in the UK
Results from the Global consumer insurance insights survey revealed that consumers from the UK and Republic of Ireland are least likely to have interacted with their insurer over the course of a year compared to the global market. This short blog highlights the opportunities to change this.
The case for pre-IPO revenue automation
What does revenue management have to do with taking a company public? This white paper highlights why IPO stakeholders should care about revenue management and how pre-IPO revenue automation can increase valuations, reduce the risk of compliance, and help IPO stakeholders meet their objectives.
Global consumer insurance insights
Based on feedback from 2,000 insurance consumers from around the world, this whitepaper sheds light on what P&C insurers are doing well, consumer buying preferences and five central calls to action for the insurance market to take in 2022.
In-depth: Stand out in the schemes market
Developing a robust book of specialist schemes business provides insurance brokers with an opportunity to stand out in a crowded commercial market. This in-depth provides some top tips on how brokers can develop successful schemes across a range of niche areas.
The tech toolbox: What do brokers need?
With a plethora of options on the market, deciding which technological solutions are best for their business can be difficult for insurance brokers. This content highlights the essentials that every broker should have in their technology toolbox to help both their staff and customers.
The importance of hearing the consumer voice
Listening to consumers is the most direct way of getting specific feedback – not just about their problems and challenges, but what they like about your products too. This blog highlights why the best insurance businesses are the best listeners and why claims communication is critical.
Retaining talent in the 'great resignation'
As we begin to move into the post-pandemic future, a shortage of employees has become a pressing concern for the insurance industry. Karen Jackman, director of regional broking at Aviva explains how the talent scarcity equation can be turned around to transform the workforce for the future.
We need an insurance industry ‘big bang’ across the back office
The UK insurance industry is on the verge of a ‘big bang’. Post-Brexit deregulation and digital transformation are reducing red tape, while unblocking innovation and investment. This blog highlights why creating a smarter insurance industry also depends on a parallel revolution in the back-office.
A new playbook for chief marketing officers
Organisations are now aware of just how integral marketing is to business and how much broader the CMO remit has become. But do marketing functions have the capacity to deliver results? This report focuses on the future of marketing and why CMOs should enable real time marketing to drive growth.
Commission vs fees?
The Financial Conduct Authority has implied that it is inevitable fees will replace broker commissions despite wailing, gnashing of teeth and well-intentioned protestations from some in the broker community. Peter Robinson of Prizm Solutions considers the impact of professionalism on the debate.