163 whitepapers and resources
The future of fuel and the implications for insurance
Great strides have been made in the last decade to reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gases our vehicles expel into Earth’s atmosphere. This report studies what the future of fuel might look like and the implications for insurance.
Business continuity: Are you prepared?
In today’s uncertain climate, business continuity planning is more important than ever. But what does a good business continuity plan look like? Discover how business continuity has evolved, useful resources and additional benefits.
The implications of further Jackson reforms
The ‘Jackson reforms’ significantly altered the way that personal injury claims were administered. Lord Jackson is now undertaking a further review, focusing on legislation around fixed recoverable costs. This article explores the review and the potential implications for brokers and customers.
Insurance industry half year review 2017
Six months into 2017, what have been the highs and lows for the insurance industry – and what does the rest of the year have in store? This half year review focuses on the key developments set to disrupt the insurance landscape as we know it.
UK flooding: Why wait for disaster to strike?
With flood events predicted to increase, UK businesses need a systemic strategy to protect property and ensure business continuity.
How can businesses prepare for Brexit?
Formal negotiations have begun to bring about the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. Our latest roundtable event heard businesses’ concerns over Brexit and offered helpful guidance. This article looks at what the roundtable revealed about how you can prepare for the potential impact of Brexit.
CII policy briefing: UK general election aftermath
This short paper outlines how the outcome of the General Election is likely to impact on the Government's forthcoming legislative programme. Areas covered: Brexit; discount rate reform; whiplash injury reform; Vehicle Technology and Aviation Bill – autonomous vehicles.
Financial education in a digital age: Initiatives by the European insurance industry
Insurance Europe’s latest publication showcases the broad range of initiatives that the European insurance industry is engaged in to increase people’s financial literacy and their understanding of insurance.
Insight briefing: Supporting innovation in insurance in a digital age
This insight briefing focuses on the need for policymakers to support innovation in fintech and insurtech, while also guaranteeing consumers the same protection when using services offered through new technologies by new market entrants as they have with similar offerings by traditional insurers.
Future cities: Building infrastructure resilience
This report looks at how to improve the ability of cities and their infrastructure to withstand and recover from disasters. It includes three new pathways that will help city officials, businesses, communities and insurers work together to build greater city resilience.