Managing Your People
168 whitepapers and resources
Managing Your People
Redefining diversity to drive growth and shore up organisational resilience in insurance
Now, more than ever, diversity is a recurring theme in our conversations with insurance leaders. This content focuses on why insurance companies first need to redefine diversity before they can meaningfully embed it into their cultures and reap the true benefits.
Business intelligence: Unlocking the power of data to generate actionable insights
Business intelligence plays an integral role in every organisation, turning data into meaningful information for making the right decisions. This content sheds light on how businesses can get the most out of their business intelligence solutions by aligning data processes with people and technology.
What we can learn about insurance fraud: Reading Malcolm Gladwell’s talking to strangers
This content highlights why our human instinct to default to truth by giving individuals the benefit of the doubt can lead us to the wrong conclusions about insurance fraud and how automation can help claims teams overcome the limitations of human judgement.
Adapting corporate social responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond
Societies have been grappling with the effects of the coronavirus on individuals and communities as well as the economic fall-out and financial consequences for organisations. This article explains how corporate social responsibility efforts have adapted to try to meet the changing circumstances.
Let's Talk: Building up diversity in the construction industry
Less than 9% of workers in the U.S. construction industry are women, according to the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). In this article, AXA XL’s Rose Hall sheds light on her own career path and highlights the opportunities that more women in construction can offer the industry.
Infographic: What does the future of work look like?
A new survey of over 6,700 employees and business leaders found that RPA and automation are leading digital transformation in this new economic reality. This infographic highlights what the future of work looks like.
Flexible furlough scheme: The next phase of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Since 1st July, it has been possible for employees to move to a flexible furloughing arrangement in which they can work under any part-time arrangement and be paid their normal wage for working hours. This article outlines the salient points of the next phase of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
Leave in the time of Covid
This year decisions over granting holiday have the potential to create conflict and possibly legal issues, even in a normally harmonious workplace. This article briefly outlines the implications for employers and employees, including furloughed staff.
In-depth - business continuity: Maintaining mental health
Health worries coupled with the stresses and strains of lockdown can have serious implications for mental health. This article highlights the importance of safeguarding employee mental health and how many businesses are finding innovative ways of looking after the mental wellbeing of staff.
In-depth - business continuity: Lockdown logistics
Insurance is an industry based on personal relationships and face-to-face meetings, how has the sector adapted to the changes imposed during the coronavirus crisis? Download this article to find out more.