Managing Your People
168 whitepapers and resources
Managing Your People
Operational risks and Covid-19
As businesses move to reopen, resuming direct contact with customers and between employees, risks are exacerbated for both employees and customers. This article focuses on how businesses can evaluate and manage operational risks associated with Covid-19, including the risks to workers and customers.
Covid-19: Guidance on how to manage unhappy employees
Many employers are considering how they will bring back their employees from a period of furlough leave or a return to the workplace after a lengthy period of home working. This content provides advice on how employers can positively engage with employees as part of a return to work programme.
How to prepare your workforce for automation
An organisation’s success with automation fundamentally relies upon the ability to balance the needs of its human workforce with the operational benefits of a digital workforce. Designed for business leaders, this guide focuses on how to prepare your workforce for automation.
Broker Week: How are brokers adapting to Covid-19?
Insurance Age, in association with Applied Systems, explores how brokers have adapted how they work in response to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown. In the first part of our analysis we delve into the adaptations required to work from home and some common issues experienced.
Furlough - what is changing and when will it come to an end?
On 29th May 2020, Rishi Sunak announced what the changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will look like and confirmed the deadline for final entrants into the CJRS. This content highlights the details known about the CJRS and the latest developments.
"Racism: no one should feel alone or stay silent," Karima Silvent, Global Head of HR at AXA
In this article, Karima Silvent, Global Head of HR at AXA highlights why no organisation is immune from the challenges posed by racial bias, why we need to stand up to racism in the workplace and continue pushing harder for progress to move societies forward.
Covid-19 and beyond: Thinking about mental health
In this article, Lauren Rees, Senior Operations Analyst for Crisis Management & Special Risks, and Political Risk, Credit & Bond at AXA XL, shares some thoughts about how the Covid-19 lockdown has affected people with mental health and has also given discussion on the topic a new urgency and focus.
Five ways a digital workforce can transform insurance operations
Effectively deploying a digital workforce can help insurers to break down organisational silos, improve underwriting and loss ratios, whilst also enhancing the customer experience. Download this e-book to find out more about five ways a digital workforce can transform insurance operations.
Ergonomics best practices: Guidelines for staying healthy while working from home
Effective ergonomics in an office setting is challenging enough, but when employees must work from home for the foreseeable future due to Covid-19, the chance of injuries stemming from poor ergonomics increases. This article provides guidelines for staying healthy while working from home.
Coronavirus job retention scheme (‘CJRS’) eligibility
Employers are being offered the option to receive government funding so they can furlough employees on 80% of their wages (up to £2,500 per month). This also includes National Insurance and Pension payments. Designed for UK employers, this infographic sheds light on who is eligible for the scheme.