Cyber Risk
191 whitepapers and resources
C-suite broker: Focus on defence in cyber risks
Cyber risk is dynamic, difficult to contain and potentially very damaging to a business, yet we do not see sufficient attention towards real demonstration of ability to withstand an attack. This article highlights why it is crucial businesses test their resilience with regular attack simulations.
Blog: Managing the multiple facets of cyber risk
This blog looks at the challenges and past trends in the cyber market, and where they could lead to future decisions for those operating in this space. Topics covered: ransomware; geopolitical risk; human risk; the importance of taking a holistic approach.
The complex evolution of cyber attacks in insurance
Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common, but it isn’t just the scale that is of concern – it is the way in which they have evolved. This blog highlights the evolving nature of cyber risks and how data-sharing could be the key to overcoming cyber threats.
Cyber insurance Q&A with Guidewire's Erin Kenneally
In this Q&A, Erin Kenneally, director of cyber risk analytics at Guidewire discusses: the changing face of cybercrime; how cyber insurers can improve; the case for prohibiting ransom payments; the looming threat of supply chain cyberattacks.
Hiding in plain sight: Towards now-gen cyber risk underwriting
This report dispels some of the myths associated with cyber risk data, why the under-extraction of insights from actuarial data generated around cyber incidents is the real problem and how insurers can progress towards now-gen cyber underwriting in order to build a more robust cyber risk playbook.
Question time on silent cyber
‘Silent cyber’ or ‘non-affirmative cyber’ refers to the potential cyber exposures in non-stand-alone cyber policies, which may not be implicitly or explicitly included or excluded on policy wordings. This content provides a summary of a recent discussion hosted by the FOIL Technology & Cyber SFT.
In-depth: Cyber - How brokers can help clients armour themselves against emerging threats
Many businesses are not doing enough to protect themselves from the risks posed by cyber crime. This in-depth investigates how brokers can help clients armour themselves against emerging cyber threats.
The role of intelligent automation in securing remote workers and safeguarding corporate data
When the pandemic hit, there were limited opportunities to consider the security impact of remote working. This blog discusses the importance of data and employee security moving forward and how intelligent automation can help.
Ransomware: A Darwinian challenge for cyber insurance
The process of adaptation is a fitting model for the cyber insurance industry amid the pressures presented by ransomware incidents and claims. This whitepaper examines the environmental causes of ransomware and makes recommendations for how the insurance industry can stem this threat.
Ransomware: Addressing the challenge to cyber insurance
Cyber insurance loss ratios have been rising, jumping 10 percent in the past year alone with ransomware the main culprit. This blog outlines how cyber insurers can address the challenges posed by ransomware in order to maintain profitability and achieve reasonable loss ratios.