Business Performance Management
395 whitepapers and resources
Business Performance Management
Smarter insurance investigation management
Insurance fraud investigations teams are under increasing pressure with high work volumes often leading to backlogs of requests for reviewing flagged claims and policies. Download this e-book to learn about new and more efficient ways to manage the fraud investigation process.
Spotlight - product development: Restoring confidence and seizing opportunities post Covid-19
This spotlight sheds light on the new technologies that can enable insurers to create unique customer experiences and restore consumer confidence in the post-Covid ‘new world’.
The new standard in insurance
We are at a pivotal moment in the development of the global re/insurance sector as the market is grappling with unprecedented change. Based on in-depth research, this whitepaper examines the market trends which are reshaping insurance and what the “new standard” in insurance really looks like.
Five strategic benefits of hybrid cloud infrastructure for insurance
Today nearly every insurer uses the cloud in some way, though few are using cloud technology to its full potential. This content focuses on how insurers can realise the true potential of cloud technology and five key benefits of hybrid cloud infrastructure.
Real time decisions in insurance
This whitepaper paper explores how a centralised customer decision hub can help insurers drive new revenue opportunities, improve actuarial analysis, claims handling and fraud detection.
Dynamic discussion: The end of insurance as we know it
‘The end of insurance as we know it’ is an international bestselling book that explains why the industry is experiencing foundational changes that are unprecedented. Renowned author, Rob Galbraith and Duck Creek's CMO, Scott Fitzgerald discuss how insurance leaders can gain a competitive edge.
Issue brief: Claims leakage
Claims leakage is the difference between what an insurer actually spent to settle a claim and what they should have spent. This content highlights the main causes of claims leakage, areas where claims leakage is most likely to occur and how insurers can proactively address the early warning signs.
Guide to using microservices-based APIs in financial services
This guide explores how microservices-based APIs are revolutionising the way business functionality is delivered in today's digital age.
Issue brief: Straight through claims processing
Traditional approaches to claims handling are falling short due to manual processes, the ‘greying of the industry’ and customers demanding fast turnaround times. This content highlights why many insurers are looking to ‘straight through processing’ (STP) as a means to address these concerns.
The 'low-code' imperative
This whitepaper is based on a survey conducted by Nuxeo and confirms a growing appetite for more agile ways of harnessing critical enterprise content assets, as organisations in all sectors strive to keep up with a fast-changing world.